PDF Version
Select 1.2 if you want to make sure the PDF file is compatible
with Acrobat 3. Version 1.3 allows you to use larger page
sizes if the output is used in Acrobat 4.
Image Quality
Sets the quality for images in the PDF file. With lower settings,
the resulting file size can be smaller, but more picture
information may be lost. The default is High, with some
compression used. The Highest setting uses no compression
("lossless"). The other settings use JPEG compression.
Fill Mode
Sets the method for converting gradients, hatches, and other
fills. If Device is selected, a PDF method is used. Some fills
may be converted to bitmaps. If Stroked is selected, a vector
method is used. In either case, certain fills may be dropped.
Note: If Export Gradients is not selected, gradient fills are
not exported.
Export Text as
Saves text as geometry rather than font-based text.
Export Gradients
Includes gradients and hatches in the exported file.
Page Range
Indicates whether to export all pages (the default) or just the
current page.
Document Information
Lets you add author, title, and keywords. Users can display
this information in Acrobat Reader by choosing File > Document
Info > General.